Inspire + Elevate + Integrity
This month, we share another story, this time from Yvette Nowak, (senior health care consultant, Indianapolis). She talks about how her own personal experiences have influenced her values and her work, shaping her outlook, and inspiring her to help others.
“By reviewing minimum data set resource user groups, we can promote facility integrity and ensure correct payment to facilities, which in turn helps ensure proper stewardship of resources entrusted to the state Medicaid office. Receiving correct payment elevates the care given to our elders who reside in long-term-care facilities.
As Director of Nursing for many years, I understand the challenges facing long-term-care facilities. By reviewing MDS resource user groups, we promote facility integrity and ensure correct payment to facilities, which helps ensure proper stewardship of resources entrusted to the state. Receiving correct payment elevates the care for those residing in long-term care facilities.”
Yvette Nowak, BSN, RN, WCC, RAC-CT (Senior Health Care Consultant, Indianapolis)
Get to Know Yvette
Yvette serves as the registered nurse (RN) for the Medicaid case mix documentation review processes in Louisiana and North Carolina. She performs on-site facility reviews, including follow up reviews and provider education on the Supportive Documentation Guidelines, and she monitors day-to-day case mix review activities. She also assists in the development of responses to requests for informal reconsideration of review results and/or appeals and provides supervision and training for RN reviewer staff. Yvette responds to clinical help desk calls and assists annually in the development and presentation of training material at workshops throughout the states.
Positive Impacts
Myers and Stauffer is proud to help our clients serve those who are most vulnerable. Our staff feel empowered to know that their hard work and dedication each day makes a difference. We believe it and so do the millions of individuals helped by the clients we serve. We will release new stories each month highlighting associates and their stories. Follow along with our LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram for more information.