Ohio Department of Medicaid
Myers and Stauffer LC is a certified public accounting and consulting firm that provides professional accounting, consulting, data management and analysis services to government-sponsored healthcare programs. Myers and Stauffer LC is the current Pharmacy Pricing and Audit Consultant (PPAC) with the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM). The primary roles of PPAC include the administration of the Ohio Average Acquisition Cost (OAAC) program, the oversight and audit of ODM’s single pharmacy benefit manager (SPBM) for the Medicaid managed care pharmacy program, and general consulting services for ODM regarding their Medicaid pharmacy benefit.
The Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager (SPBM) launches on October 1!
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) launched the Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager (SPBM) on October 1! ODM’s goals for the SPBM are to improve management and administration of pharmacy benefits for Ohio Medicaid managed care members. Through the SPBM, ODM gains increased accountability and ensures alignment with clinical and policy goals, while also improving transparency.
Visit the Next Generation of Ohio Medicaid Pharmacy Program webpage to learn more.
OAAC Pharmacy Help Desk:
Phone: 800.591.1183
Email: OHPharmacy@mslc.com
OAAC Survey Email: OHSurveys@mslc.com
Click here for administrative log in.
Ohio Cost of Dispensing Survey Information
Cost of dispensing surveys were distributed to pharmacies that participate in the Ohio Medicaid pharmacy program on July 25, 2024. The due date for the cost of dispensing survey is August 29, 2024. Below are the survey notification letters and the Excel version of the cost of dispensing survey.
For questions with regards to the cost of dispensing survey, please contact Myers and Stauffer at 800.374.6858 or disp_survey@mslc.com.
Ohio Medicaid Pharmacy Pricing Information
OAAC Price Listings
The following Brand and Generic OAAC Price Listings are updated weekly and include current and historical OAAC pricing by product for up to a two year period. If you have trouble opening or downloading the files, please contact Myers and Stauffer at 800.591.1183 and ask for the Ohio pharmacy unit.
NADAC Price Listings
Current and historical NADAC pricing is made available weekly by CMS here.
OAAC Rate Reviews
OAAC Pharmacy Survey Information
Other Relevant Information
This section contains other helpful links and resources for Ohio Medicaid participating pharmacy providers.