Health Care Legislation and Regulations Expertise and Support Services
Our state agency clients consider Myers and Stauffer their “boots-on-the-ground” partner in navigating the complexities of health care related legislation, statutes, and regulations. We have achieved this reputation by offering highly experienced, multi-disciplinary teams that provide practical summaries and realistic recommendations that help our clients make thoughtful and appropriate decisions and program solutions. Drawing on this expertise, we develop uniquely customized policy and reimbursement solutions for our clients that support cost-effective delivery of high quality services. Our teams also regularly monitor federal and state policymaking initiatives in order to proactively identify, assess, and communicate Medicaid compliance-related issues to our clients.
Our legislation and regulatory subject matter expertise and support services include:
Legislation and Statutes
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- Summarize legislation and/or enacted statutes; analyze and identify aspects that pose anticipated impacts and unanticipated challenges to stakeholders; and communicate those issues and concerns to our client.
- Model technical solutions and develop recommendations and acceptable process/system workarounds to ensure compliance.
- Support state program and policy changes by drafting federal Medicaid authorities, including state plan amendments and 1915(b)/(c), 1115, and 1332 waivers, and by providing guidance and support in securing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approval.
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- Draft regulations, policies, and guidance documents necessary to support program and pricing changes and achieve successful implementation.
- Perform regulatory analyses and make recommendations to modify program procedures and system processes.
- Provide expert testimony to explain technical rationale and clarify program and policy changes.
- Draft technical responses for federal write-back requests and other communications with state agencies, legislators, or stakeholders to minimize the time involved in decision making and approval.
- Design and provide comprehensive stakeholder training and outreach, which is essential for achieving buy-in and compliance, and meeting required timelines for implementation.
- Support state program and policy changes by drafting federal Medicaid authorities, including state plan amendments and 1915(b)/(c), 1115, and 1332 waivers, and by providing guidance and support in developing responses to CMS inquiries and write-back requests, and receiving approval.