Kevin Yates
Kevin is a principal of Myers and Stauffer, working from the Kansas City office.
His 19 years of experience with state Medicaid agencies and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have included proficiencies in auditing and consulting engagements related to cost reports, Medicare and Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH), Medicaid upper payment limit (UPL) calculations, worksheet S-10 reviews, and healthcare provider taxes.
Prior to joining Myers and Stauffer in 2006, Kevin worked for a Medicare fiscal intermediary and a national certified public accounting firm auditing and preparing Medicare and Medicaid cost reports. Kevin has led and assisted with Medicaid DSH audits, payment calculations, and consulting services (including UPL demonstrations, hospital directed payments, and provider tax calculations). He currently manages the development of a nationwide risk assessment related to Medicare cost reports, worksheet S-10 reviews, external quality reviews, and coordination of numerous CMS initiatives.
Kevin serves on the leadership team of the Cost Report Attest and DSH Audit engagement team and is a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association.
M.B.A., Business Administration, Pittsburgh State University
B.B.A., Accounting, Pittsburgh State University
– Cost report auditing and reimbursement.
– DSH program data collection and payment calculation.
– Disproportionate share hospital audits.
– Worksheet S-10.
– UPL calculations.
“At Myers and Stauffer, understanding client need is simply the first step; we continually strive to surpass expectations and work to identify and solve any unforeseen issues they might encounter.”
— Kevin Yates