“Myers and Stauffer’s exclusive focus on government health care means we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer our clients. I am proud of our commitment to high-quality work, and I respect and admire the people here who work as a team to make a difference. Knowing that the work we do truly matters, inspires, and motivates me every day.”
– Diane Kovar
Diane has more than 23 years of experience that includes health care-related audits, fraud investigations, and litigation support services. She has been working on disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) audits for more than 10 years, including assisting a state prepare for compliance prior to the issuance of the final DSH rule.
She has worked on DSH audits for many states including Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Oregon, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and South Carolina. She currently is the project manager for DSH audits in several of those states. Outside of disproportionate share hospitals, she has worked on state cost settlement engagements for hospitals, federally qualified health centers, rural health centers and institutions for mental disease as well as health care engagements with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants.
B.S. in Accounting, Pennsylvania State University
– Fraud investigations and litigation support.
– Medicaid disproportionate share hospital auditing.
– Health care auditing and accounting with an emphasis on Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement for hospitals and other provider types.