Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Behavioral Health Rate Study

OHA is looking to address challenges faced by providers participating in the Children’s Intensive Treatment Services (ITS), Behavior Rehabilitation Services (BRS), and Intensive In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment (IIBHT) programs. Providers are facing workforce sustainability issues, and the COVID crisis along with legislative changes have increased the challenges faced by providers. These challenges along with recent legislative expectations indicate the need for a rate study to address these concerns and improve system sustainability.

Phase 1 of the project, completed earlier in 2022, addressed a rate study for Secure Inpatient Psychiatric Residential (SIP), Psychiatric Residential Treatment Services (PRTS), and Subacute Psychiatric Residential (SA).  Additional engagement will continue to deepen the information gathered in this phase and will support the development of a model for updates to these wages and rates for the state moving forward.  This scope of work addresses phases 2 and 3, which consist of:

  1. Phase 2:  Rate Study for SUD Residential and Psychiatric Day Treatment Services (PDTS)
  2. Phase 3:  Rate Study for Behavior Rehabilitation Services (BRS) and Intensive In-Home Behavioral Health Treatment (IIBHT)

We are engaging with providers to gain a better understanding of where state reimbursement is not matching the cost of doing business. We will utilize available cost and payment information to support the information gathered in stakeholder engagement and develop a cost survey to collect cost and other data from providers. Data from providers, along with available market data, will facilitate the development of draft rates, wages level recommendations for direct care staff and a payment structure that promotes ongoing participation in Medicaid by these providers.

We conducted two training sessions – one for BRS and one for IIBHT – to walk through the cost collection tools developed as part of this rate study to evaluate staffing and other program costs incurred for providers licensed to perform BRS and IIBHT. These sessions were recorded and our included on this page for reference as providers complete the surveys.